Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Not a Regular Blogger

Hey guys! I have a confession to make...I'm not a regular blogger. Which, you probably knew already. Why? Because my first order of business is to find an agent. So...that's what I've been doing...in addition to working on a new WIP.

That being said, I'll come on here from time to time, but mostly I'm completely focused on finding my dream agent. And when I do, because I will, then you better believe I'll be blogging!!

Until then!


  1. Hey, just discovered your blog. (thanks for the Twitter follow.) I totally understand the sporadic blogging. I focus on the WIP and the submission (and the dayjob and the family...)

    Good luck and I'll look forward to reading when you write something new.

  2. I completely understand. I find all sorts of good information on your blog. I love the last post too. How is the search going?
